Registration data

Registration data can be exported as text data in CSV format. This function can not be used in trial version. It is a function for the user who registered the serial key. Tap the “Register” character on the registration screen, the navigation icon at the top will change. The export icon and the import icon are displayed.

The upward arrow indicates export and the downward arrow indicates import. Exporting is easy. Tap the icon button to export the CSV file.The record of CSV data consists of 8 fields. Field order is as follows.

  • boat class
  • National letter of sail number
  • sail number
  • skipper name
  • crew name 1
  • crew name 2
  • boat  name
  • home port

You can also import the created CSV data. Please create it by the following procedure.
Create a registration table with a spreadsheet.

Export in CSV format.

Import that file into FileMakerGo.

Open RegattaScoring and import from the Resistration screen. At that time enter the file name of the CVS file.